An animal rights group urged people Wednesday to welcome the Year of the Rat by treating the rodents with kindness and respect instead of trapping, poisoning and killing them. "Rats are intelligent, sensitive and friendly animals who bear the brunt of human fears and prejudices," said People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in the Asia-Pacific.
The group urged consumers to boycott companies that conduct "cruel experiments" on rats, mentioning several candy companies.
PETA cited studies showing rats are "fastidiously clean animals who groom themselves throughout the day." They naturally have a pleasant perfume-like smell.
They actually are very clean little animals. We used to volunteer on the critter team at the Seattle Animal Shelter, and they were always so cool.
Photo by Absolutwade
I'm very surprised Peta cares about rats when according to an official report from Peta to the state of Virginia -- the animal rights group killed more than 97 percent of the dogs, cats, and other pets it took in for adoption in 2006.
Out of 3061 animals they took in for adoption, Peta managed to save only 12! Peta killed the other 2981!
Really? Do tell about this report. Did you read the report? Or, did you get this information from the baloney "Center for Consumer Freedom"? They're a front group for the tobacco and restaurant industry. Google that statistic and everything leads back to these industry shills and liars or to "PR Newswire" which they use to disseminate their BS.
I'm not saying they don't put animals down, but I find this stat highly suspect.
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