Puerto Rican tourism officials are apparently worried that a recent incident of animal abuse could turn off potential tourists. Last week the Puerto Rican Tourism Co. and the government of Puerto Rico issued a news release saying they were ''appalled'' by the acts ``that by no means are representative of the strong values of the Puerto Rican people.''
The response came after dozens of dogs and cats were seized from three public housing projects, injected with something, then thrown off a bridge. Locals told the Associated Press that some of the animals were still alive and tried to crawl from the ravine. Officials are blaming a contractor, Animal Control Solution, hired to enforce a no-pet policy in the buildings outside San Juan.
Government officials pledged to investigate and said they planned an education campaign on proper pet care and on reporting abandoned animals. No mention, however, on what animal rights activists consider a major problem: the lack of spaying and neutering programs on the island.
Photo by Oquendo
Your government sucks for allowing this to happen...you had to know this was going on...just thought no one would ever find out. I hope you lose all of your tourist business....which means miliions and millions of revenue. I hope it hurts you and your country as bad as you hurt all the animals you heartlessly killed and made suffer till they died.
Always wanted to visit but never will now. I don't support people like yall.
Great article. It is very interesting and informative!
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