Blogging About Critters Since 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Pyothorax in Cats

Well, one of our cats, Charlotte, has Pyothorax. This is an infection in the chest cavity that causes a good deal of pus to build up. Treatment generally involves putting in a chest tube and draining out the fluid over several days until the infection can no longer be detected.

And, expect it to drain your wallet, as this has to be done at a vet hospital. Total cost at the hospital will be 2 to 3000. That doesn't include the 900 we spent with our regular vet prior to figuring out she needed to go to the hospital. So, she will be there for the next 3 0r 4 days.

Here is the clinic we took her to. At first I'd thought it was one of those corporate vet care places (they seem to be taking over the vet world). But, this one is actually owned by 2 vets. It's pretty impressive facility. They operate 24/7.


Trilby said...

Hlep my cat also Charlotte, also in Seattle has been diagnosed. Did your cat have relapses?

mrbarky said...

She had one small relapse, and had to have fluid drained, but then she was OK.

Now she has cancer :-(. But, she's doing OK for now.

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