Blogging About Critters Since 2007

Friday, February 1, 2008

Sea Shepherd Captain Calls Australia Timid

Paul Watson, never a shrinking violet, has condemned Australia for not doing enough to stop whaling.

Captain Paul Watson says he is angry and frustrated that five whales have been killed since the protest vessel was forced to break off its pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet.

The Australian Customs vessel Oceanic Viking has confirmed that at least five minke whales have been killed since the Japanese fleet resumed hunting.

"Australia's being awfully timid when it comes to Japan," Mr Watson said.

"Uruguay goes down there and poaches [patagonian toothfish] and Australia goes down there, arrests them, seizes their vessel and tosses them in jail.


Anonymous said...

If you people really care about stopping the japanese from hunting whales, then do something about it that would hurt them if they continue! Do something that would force the Japanese Government too stop the practice! BOYCOTT ALL JAPANESE GOODS until they stop whaling!

Narcistic Narwhal

Anonymous said...

yes and let the austrlain economy crash... they're only our largest trading partner..... idiot

Anonymous said...

yes and let the australian economy crash... they're only our largest trading partner..... idiot

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