Here is a list of the Members of Congress who opposed the Animal Fighting Prohibition Act, which was
signed into law by our Glorious Leader back on May 3rd. Geez, I bet even Dick Cheney supported this one (does anyone think it would have been signed if he opposed it?).
Ron Paul is one of those that opposed it as well. Maybe someone should ask him on the campaign trail why he supports animals ripping each other apart for fun and profit.
Here is the bill summary:
Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007 - Amends the federal criminal code to impose a fine and/or prison term of up to three years for violations of the Animal Welfare Act relating to: (1) sponsoring or exhibiting an animal in an animal fighting venture; (2) buying, selling, transporting, delivering, or receiving for purposes of transportation, in interstate or foreign commerce, any dog or other animal for participation in an animal fighting venture; and (3) using the mails or other instrumentality of interstate commerce to promote or further an animal fighting venture.
Amends the Animal Welfare Act to prohibit knowingly selling, buying, transporting, or delivering, in interstate or foreign commerce, a knife, a gaffe, or any other sharp instrument for attachment to the leg of a bird for use in an animal fighting venture.
Joe Barton Texas District 6
Roy Blunt Missouri District 7
John Boehner Ohio District 8
Dan Boren Oklahoma District 2
Kevin Brady Texas District 8
Chris Cannon Utah District 3
Eric Cantor District 7
Tom Cole Oklahoma District 4
Michael Conaway Texas District 11
David Davis Tennessee District 1
Diaz-Balart, L. Florida District 21
Diaz-Balart, M. Florida District 25
John Doolittle California District 4
Virginia Foxx North Carolina District 5
Scott Garrett NJ District 5
Louis Gohmert Texas District 1
Sam Graves Missouri District 6
Robin Hayes North Carolina District 8
Jeb Hensarling Texas District 5
Ruben Hinojosa Texas District 15
Sam Johnson Texas District 3
Steve King Iowa District 5
Jack Kingston Georgia District1
Doug Lamborn Colorado District 5
John Lewis Kentucky District 5
Frank Lucas Oklahoma District 5
Connie Mack Florida District 14
Randy Neugebauer Texas District 19
Ron Paul Texas District 14Ted Poe Texas District 2
Mike Rogers Alabama District 3
Bill Sali Idaho District 1
James F Sensenbrenner Wisconsin District 5
Adrian Smith Nebraska District 3
Cliff Stearns Florida District 6
John Sullivan Oklahoma District 1
Mac Thornberry Texas District 13
Lynn Westmoreland Georgia District 3rd
Don Young Alaska At Large